Sara Lopez
Diversified Education
Sara Lopez '22

Sara Lopez received her bachelor's degree in diversified education in May of 2022 and landed a position as a second-grade teacher with her alma mater, Aspire Public Schools. 她的梦想是回馈支持和推动她成功的社区. She also received an award from her institution in recognition of her college graduation and contribution to the community. 职业服务中心为她的成功和成就感到骄傲.

Victoria Alarca
Victoria Alarca '22

Victoria Alarca received her bachelors degree from Pacific in May 2022 and will be pursuing her Masters of Business Administration in Accounting in the fall of 2022. 她期待着在这一领域进一步加深自己的知识,并为自己的职业生涯获得有用的建议. 

makaila gaff
Biology Sciences
Makaila Gaff '22

Makaila Gaff将在博彩平台网址大全继续她的学业. She was accepted into Pacific's graduate program for biology and is looking forward to earning her master's degree.

Guadalupe Reyes
Engineering Science
Guadalupe Reyes '22

Guadalupe Reyes earned her Master's in Engineering Science at Pacific and is now practicing her skills as a Staff Engineer at JC Wagner & Associates, Inc. Reyes is looking forward to joining a strong and supportive team in her favorite civil engineering discipline. 

Jon Havton
Jon Havton '22

Jon Havton毕业于博彩平台网址大全,获得会计硕士学位. He landed a position with Ernst & 作为一名年轻的税务助理,期待着加入这个行业. During his time at Pacific, 由于参加了学生组织,乔恩结交了许多有意义的朋友.

Khushboo Patel
Economics & Int. Affairs and Commerce
Khushboo Patel '22

Khushboo Patel majored in Economics and International Affairs and Commerce at Pacific and is now pursuing her master's degree in International and Development Economics at the University of San Francisco.

Samantha Sanchez
Music Therapy
Samantha Sanchez '22

Samantha Sanchez majored in Music Therapy and landed an internship with Professional Child Development Associates, Inc. Samantha will have the opportunity of working with several professionals during her internship and is looking forward to all the opportunities it will offer.

Joanna Valadez Salcedo
Speech-Language Pathology & Spanish
Joanna Valadez Salcedo '21

Joanna Valadez Salcedo毕业于语言病理学和西班牙语学士学位. She worked with the career center to enhance her resume and attended the 2021 fall internship and job fair. There, she networked with several employers and landed a position as a Speech-Language Pathologist Assistant for a school in the Bay Area. 

Logan Cope
Biochemistry & Psychology
Logan Cope '23

洛根·柯普是一位致力于太平洋社区的双学位学生. He has worked with our career advisors to prepare for grad school and is currently fulfilling his passion for leadership and mentorship as a resident advisor on campus. 

student christopher cardenas
Business Administration
Christopher Cardenas '21

Christopher Cardenas landed a position at Travelers Insurance after completing two summer internships with the organization. He is now working full-time as an Underwriting Professional Development Program and says Career Services helped him prepare his resume, cover letter, and interview. 

student abha patkar
Biological Sciences Pre-Dentistry
Abha Patkar '21

在我们职业顾问的帮助下,Abha Patkar找到了一份牙医助理的工作. 她经常找我们办公室帮忙写简历和预定面试房间. Patkar also attended our internship and career fair where she had the opportunity of networking with employers. 

student daniel hong
Applied Mathematics
Daniel Hong '19

Daniel Hong landed a position as a Software Engineer at Lockheed Martin after working with our Career Service Center on his resume and job search. Hong worked closely with our career advisors and participated in our mock interview week which helped him refine his interview skills.

katie ram student
Physics, Applied Math, Spanish
Katie Ram '18

凯蒂·拉姆于2018年毕业于博彩平台网址大全,获得物理学学位, Applied Math and Spanish. 职业服务中心帮助拉姆准备工作面试,并在她的简历上与她密切合作. 她现在是雷神技术公司的可靠性工程师. 

student dustin j. brakebill
Political Science
Dustin J. Brakebill '23

After just one semester at Pacific, Dustin J. 布雷克比尔在他的职业生涯中已经实现了令人兴奋的目标. Brakebill was elected as a delegate in the California Democratic Party and even had the chance of working for the Susan Talamantes-Eggman for State Senate campaign. 

Brakebill says the Career Services Center has helped him professionally through its Career and Internship Orientation class and resume assistance.

student nick vaughn
Computer Engineering
Nick Vaughn '19

Nick Vaughn '19, 已加入亚马逊网站服务作为软件开发工程师II L5, in San Diego, California.

沃恩说,博彩平台网址大全的就业服务中心在他的成就中发挥了关键作用. He connected with different career advisors who helped him build his resume and taught him how to network on LinkedIn to land his position.

English Literature
Gaby Moreno ’21

Gaby Moreno accepted a position as an Account Service Representative at Inductive Automation before she graduated.
加比主修英国文学,辅修西班牙语, 为了准备真正的面试,她联系了职业服务中心进行模拟面试.⁠

Melissa Romero ’20

罗梅罗接受了CliftonLarsonAllen律师事务所的助理职位. 在她的新职位上,她将专注于农业综合企业的纳税申报. She met with our Career Advisor Shannon to get help with her interview and learned how to use the STAR method. 她的建议是,在准备面试时不要害怕寻求职业服务中心的帮助.⁠

Media X
Jon Sosidka ’20

Sosidka '20 accepted a full-time position at NetApp. 在他的工作中,他将在一个团队中制作代表公司品牌的视频内容. 在博彩平台网址大全期间,他是人文博彩平台网址大全排名项目的一员, where he attended presentations from Career Advisors.⁠
His advice for students is to make sure your resume and LinkedIn stand out aesthetically and functionally, and Career Services can help you out with that!.

Music Therapy and Psychology
Wren Buse ’20

Wren became interested in music therapy because it's the perfect blend of their two biggest passions: music and social services.
职业服务帮助雷恩更加自信,并为招聘过程做好了准备, 他们给学生的建议是尽早使用就业服务.

Daniel Madera ’20

马德拉将前往加州大学旧金山分校-加州大学伯克利分校攻读转化医学硕士学位. 在加入美国医学协会后,他受到了从事转化医学的启发 technological innovation and entrepreneurship minor at Pacific.
Career Advisors Deb and Shannon helped him through his application process by giving feedback on his personal statement and improving his interview skills.

Music Business
Cassandra Gaal ’20

盖尔目前正在纽约大学攻读音乐商业硕士学位. While at Pacific, Cassandra attended Career Services events like the Mock Interview Week to practice interviewing with real employers. ⁠


Civil Engineering
Leah Classen ’20

利亚20班是土木工程和亚洲语言与研究的双学位学生, 被评为三名优秀工程学院毕业生之一.
她以Hamma基金奖学金获得者的身份继续在博彩平台网址大全接受教育, 该基金将资助她攻读工程科学硕士学位的第一年.

Business Administration
Jade Tom ’20


在学校期间,汤姆参加了多个职业服务活动, 包括模拟面试周和遇见公司招聘会. She also went on a Tiger Trek, 学生可以在哪里参观公司,了解更多在那里工作的情况.

Justin Shindo ’20

Shindo was accepted to several law schools and will attend the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University.

Career Services helped him with his law school applications by working with him to improve his personal statement and resume to showcase his abilities. 他还得到了教授们的支持,他们为他写了推荐信.

Keith Sera ’20

Keith Sera ‘20 has plenty of hands-on experience; he worked for Assemblymember Catharine Baker, participated in the CA Auditor Office Externship Program, and the Student Investment Fund. 最近,他是五星银行的会计实习生.
He received help from our Career Advisors, 是谁给基思介绍了不同的机会,并改进了他的简历和LinkedIn资料.

International Relations
Christina Bouri ’20

Christina Bouri was accepted to several graduate programs, 但她选择了哈佛大学,在那里她将攻读中东研究硕士学位.

Music Therapy
William Peralta ’20

William Peralta followed his dual passion for music and helping others to Pacific and discovered his purpose of being a music therapist. He honed those skills at the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles in its Mark Taper-Johnny Mercer Artists program. 他弹吉他、钢琴,并为接受儿科保健的儿童唱歌.
我们的职业顾问香农帮助他完善了他的简历和申请论文. He even received interview prep help from her.

Media X and Communication
Angela Salazar ’20

安吉拉·萨拉查(Angela Salazar) 20岁的学生毕业后获得了多个实习机会, including one with Joanne Butcher, a film financial consultant.

To prepare for graduation, 萨拉查利用太平洋职业服务中心来确保她得到了合适的实习机会. “我确实参加了招聘会,并多次与顾问交谈,以修改我的简历和求职信. It was extremely helpful for internship exploration.”

Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences
Carim Van Beek ’20

Carim Van Beek graduated with a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences. 他热衷于药物化学和药物开发,以提高全球生活质量, 是什么让他获得了现在在生物制药原理公司的过程化学化学开发的工作.

He received help from Career Services with the concept of informational interviewing and how to reach out to people on LinkedIn for interviews. 他的建议是不要等到毕业后才开始找工作, and use LinkedIn to get in contact with alumni from Pacific that work at companies you might be interested in.

Luis Perez ’19

路易斯·佩雷斯接受了JB Hunt的经理培训生职位, after having issue finding employment during COVID-19.

Perez registered and attended Pacific’s Virtual Career Fair in the hopes of finding full-time employment. He was able to schedule one-on-one meetings with the employers he was interested in to find out more information on their company.