Clery & 加州年度安全报告

遵守联邦法律, 博彩平台网址大全 prepares an annual security report (ASR) on campus security and fire safety programs and services, 通常被称为“克莱里报告”,因为它是联邦珍妮克莱里披露校园安全政策和校园犯罪统计法案的关键要求.

This report is prepared with data and information provided by the Pacific Police Department (PacificPD), 学生主任办公室, 包括学生行为和社区标准, 环境健康与安全, 第九条协调员, 校园安全部门, and various law enforcement agencies that provide services to Pacific properties within their jurisdictions.

注:绝大多数犯罪是财产犯罪. 欲了解更多信息,请参阅年度校园安全和安保报告.


斯托克顿校园犯罪摘要每周都会发布在 警察局的脸书主页.

For more information about crime statistics, contact Public 安全 at 209.946.2537.

谋杀及非过失杀人: 一个人故意(非过失)杀死另一个人. 注:因疏忽造成的死亡, 企图杀人, 攻击致死, 自杀博彩平台网址大全排名, 意外死亡, 正当杀人被排除在外.

过失杀人: 因重大过失导致他人死亡.

性犯罪: 任何针对他人的性行为, 没有得到受害者的同意, 包括受害者没有能力给予同意的情况.

A. 强奸
的渗透, 无论多么微不足道, 阴道或肛门与任何身体部位或物体的接触, 或者被另一个人的性器官口交, 没有得到受害者的同意.  

B. 被溺爱的人
The touching of the private body parts of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification, 没有得到受害者的同意, 包括受害者因其年龄或因其暂时或永久的精神或身体丧失行为能力而无法给予同意的情况. 

C. 约会强奸药 
在Clery, the administration of a date rape drug in an unsuccessful attempt to incapacitate and sexually assault the victim, and investigation determines that the perpetrator's attempt was to commit a sex offense, 是性侵犯.  Administration of a date rape drug in which intent cannot be proven is an Aggravated Assault.

非强制性犯罪: 非法的、非强制的性交.

A. 乱伦

B. 法定强奸罪
Nonforcible sexual intercourse with 一个人 who is under the statutory age of consent.


A. 国家的定义
Family or ho使用hold members: Spo使用s or former spo使用s; adults related by blood, 结婚或领养, persons cohabitating or who have cohabitated; persons in a past or present sexually intimate relationship; unmarried parents of a child.
Ab使用: The occurrence of one or more of the following acts within a domestic relationship: 
(a) Attempting to ca使用 or intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causing bodily 受伤.
(b) Intentionally, knowingly or recklessly placing another in fear of imminent bodily 受伤.
(c) Causing another to engage in involuntary sexual relations by force or threat of force. 

B. 联邦定义 
(iii) By 一个人 who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spo使用 or a partner
根据发生暴力犯罪的司法管辖区的家庭暴力法,与受害人的配偶地位相同的人, or


Violence committed by 一个人 who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim.  
(1)该关系的存在应根据报告方的陈述并考虑到该关系的持续时间来确定, 关系的类型, and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship.
(i)约会暴力包括, 但不限于, 性虐待或身体虐待或这种虐待的威胁.
(ii) Dating violence does not include acts covered under the definition of domestic violence.
(3) For the purposes of complying with the requirements of this section, any incident meeting this definition is considered a crime for the purposes of Clery Act reporting.


A. 国家的定义
(b) It is objectively reasonable for 一个人 in the victims situation to have been alarmed or coerced by the contact; and 

B. 联邦定义
(1) Engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would ca使用 a reasonable person to-
(i) Fear for the person's safety or the safety of others; or
(i)行为过程是指两种或两种以上的行为, 包括, 但不限于, 行为中跟踪者直接, 间接, 或者通过第三方, 通过任何行动, 方法, 手段或手段, 遵循, 监控, 观察, 监视, 威胁, 或与…沟通, 一个人, 或干涉他人的财产.
(ii) Substantial emotional distress means significant mental suffering or anguish that may, 但不一定, 需要医疗或其他专业治疗或咨询.
(iii) Reasonable person means a reasonable person under similar circumstances and with similar identities to the victim.

抢劫: 拿走或试图从护理中心拿走任何有价值的东西, 监护权, or control of 一个人 or persons by force or threat of force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear.

加重攻击罪: An unlawful attack by one person upon another for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily 受伤. This type of assault usually is accompanied by the 使用 of a weapon or by means likely to produce death or great bodily harm. It is not necessary that 受伤 result from an aggravated assault when a gun, 刀, 或者使用其他武器,如果犯罪成功,可能或可能会造成严重的潜在伤害. 严重攻击包括中毒(约会强奸药等).)  

盗窃: 非法进入建筑物进行重罪或盗窃. For reporting purposes this definition includes: unlawful entry with intent to commit a larceny or a felony; 打破 and entering with intent to commit a larceny; ho使用打破; safecracking; and all attempts to commit any of the aforementioned. 

汽车盗窃案: 盗窃或企图盗窃机动车辆. (Classify as motor vehicle theft all cases where automobiles are taken by persons not having lawful access, 即使这些车辆后来被遗弃了(包括欢乐骑行). 

纵火罪: 故意或恶意燃烧或企图燃烧, 有意或无意欺诈的, 住宅, 公共建筑, 机动车辆或飞机, 或者其他类型的个人财产. 

酒类违法行为: 制造:违反禁止制造的法律或法令, 出售, 运输, 家具, possessing of intoxicating liquor; maintaining unlawful drinking places; bootlegging; operating a still; 家具 liquor to minor or intemperate person; using a vehicle for illegal transportation of liquor; drinking on a train or public conveyance; all attempts to commit any of the aforementioned. (Drunkenness and driving under the influence are not included in this definition.) 

滥用药物罪行: 违反与非法占有有关的州和地方法律, 出售, 使用, 日益增长的, 制造业, 以及制造麻醉药品. The relevant substances include: opium or cocaine and their derivatives (morphine, 海洛因, codeine); marijuana; synthetic narcotics (Demerol, methadone); and dangerous non-narcotic drugs (barbiturates, 苯丙胺). 

违反武器法: 违反与武器有关的法律或条例, 规管性质, 例如:制造, 出售, or possession of deadly weapons; 携带 deadly weapons, concealed or openly; 家具 deadly weapons to minors; aliens possessing deadly weapons; all attempts to commit any of the aforementioned. (犯罪定义来自统一犯罪报告手册. Sex offense definitions are from the National Incident-Based Reporting System edition of the Uniform Crime Reporting Program).

A hate crime is defined as any crime that manifests evidence that a victim was selected beca使用 of his/her actual or perceived race; 性别; 性别认同; 宗教; sexual ori­entation; 种族; 国家的起源 或残疾.  仇恨犯罪不是单独的, 不同的犯罪, but is the commission of a criminal offense which was motivated by the offender's bias.  If the facts of the case indicate that the offender was motivated to commit the offense beca使用 of his/her bias against the victim's perceived race; 性别; 性别认同; 宗教; sexual ori­entation; 种族; 国家的起源 或残疾, 这种犯罪被归类为仇恨犯罪.


偏见 is a preformed negative opinion or attitude toward a group of persons based on their race, 性别, 性别认同, 宗教, 残疾, 性取向, 种族或民族出身.尽管有很多可能的偏见类别, 在Clery, 只报告了以下八类:


A preformed negative attitude toward a group of persons who possess common physical characteristics (e.g., color of skin, eyes, and/or hair; facial features, etc.)通过血统和遗传遗传的, 是什么把他们区分为人类的一个不同的分支.g.(亚洲人、黑人、白人).


A preformed negative opinion or attitude toward a group of persons beca使用 those persons are male or female.


性别认同:基于一个人或一群人实际的或被认为的性别认同而预先形成的对他们的负面看法或态度, e.g.对跨性别者或性别不一致者的偏见.


对一群在宇宙的起源和目的以及至高无上的存在与否等问题上有相同宗教信仰的人预先形成的否定意见或态度, e.g.天主教徒,犹太教徒,新教徒,无神论者.




A preformed negative opinion or attitude toward a group of people whose members identify with each other, 通过共同的遗产, 通常由一种共同语言组成的, common culture (often 包括 a shared 宗教) and/or ideology that stresses common ancestry. 族裔的概念不同于与其密切相关的术语race,因为“race”指的是主要基于生物学标准的分组, 而“种族”也包含了额外的文化因素.


对具有共同或相似特征的同一种族或民族出身的一群人预先形成的否定意见或态度, 语言, 习俗和/或传统.


A preformed negative opinion or attitude toward a group of persons based on their physical or mental impairments/challenges, 这种残疾是暂时的还是永久性的, 先天的或由遗传获得的, 事故, 受伤, 年老或生病. 俄勒冈大学警察局需要报告仇恨/偏见犯罪的统计数据,根据先前列出的罪行(见上面的定义)以及盗窃罪的偏见类型, 简单的攻击, 恐吓和破坏(见下文定义). The below listed crimes are not Clery reportable crimes unless the crime was motivated by bias. 

Larceny-Theft: 非法占有, 携带, 领先的, or riding away of property from the possession or constructive possession of another. (Note: Constructive possession is defined by Black's 法律 Dictionary, 6th ed. 如“一个人没有实际监护权或占有。, 但是处于支配或控制某物的地位.")

简单的攻击: An unlawful physical attack by one person upon another where neither the offender displays a weapon, nor the victim suffers obvious severe or aggravated bodily 受伤 involving apparent broken bones, 牙齿脱落, 可能的内伤, 严重裂伤, 或者失去意识.

威胁: 通过使用威胁性言语和/或其他行为,非法地使他人处于对身体伤害的合理恐惧之中, but without displaying a weapon or subjecting the victim to actual physical attack. 

毁坏/损毁/破坏财产(“纵火”除外): 故意或恶意破坏, 伤害, 使变丑, 或破坏任何公共或私人财产, 真实的还是个人的, without the consent of the owner or person having 监护权 or control by cutting, 撕裂, 打破, 标记, 绘画, 画, 被污秽覆盖, 或当地法律所指明的任何其他方法. 如果仇恨犯罪发生在涉及盗窃的博彩平台网址大全排名中, 简单的攻击, 恐吓或破坏公物, 克莱利法律要求将统计数据作为仇恨犯罪报告,尽管这四种犯罪分类本身并不是克莱利可报告的犯罪.   仇恨犯罪不是单独的, 不同的犯罪, but is the commission of a criminal offense which was motivated by the offender's bias.  如果案件的事实表明犯罪者是由于他/她对受害者种族的偏见而动机犯罪的, 宗教, 种族, 国家的起源, 性别, 性别认同, 性取向, 或残疾, 这种犯罪被归类为仇恨犯罪.